Tuesday, May 17, 2011

OD Salon discussion: What is the social contract between organizations and their staff?

ODDA's second OD Salon on Friday, May 6th discussed the "contract" between organizations, staff, and communities. We initiated the discussion by asking these questions:
  • What one action could our organizations take that it is not taking to dramatically improve either our staff’s lives or our community? Between organizations and the greater community?
  • What is the social contract between organizations and their staff?
  • Is it working?

The dialogue was lively and wandered into some interesting terrain. Comments from participants will be added below as they are received. You can also join the discussion by sharing your ideas here.

Our next Salon will be held on October 21st, "Why not pay people as much as we possibly can? What about limiting lowest and highest incomes to a fixed differential?" Contact Itanza at iwooden@odda123.com to reserve your place (seating is limited). 

Is your boss an Abundance or Scarcity Leader?