Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OD Salon discussion: Why not pay people as much as we possibly can? What about limiting lowest and highest incomes to a fixed differential?

ODDA's second OD Salon on Friday, May 6th discussed pay differentials. The discussion was based on these questions:
  • Why not pay people as much as we possibly can? 
  • What about limiting lowest and highest incomes to a fixed differential?
The recent "Occupy Wall Street" events contributed to a lively discussion. This chart, from Information Is Beautiful, "What are the Wall St Protestors so Angry About?" displays the ranking of countries by their GINI coefficient. The US ranks 97th -- far behind other developed nations.

Comments from participants will be added below as they are received. You can also join the discussion by sharing your ideas here.

Our next Salon will be held on December 9th, "How does physical space impact our work lives? What characteristics of our office environment promote teamwork? Foster innovation? Reduce conflict? Can physical space really have this much impact on us?

Contact Itanza at iwooden@odda123.com to reserve your place (seating is limited). 

NEW! Abundance Leadership Webinar

November 17th, 9:00-10:00 am - Abundance Leadership Overview Webinar

Join us online Thursday, November 17th for the Abundance Leadership Overview Webinar. In this session we will:
  • Review the Abundance Leadership model
  • Explore how this model will benefit you and other leaders in your organization
  • Explain how 360-degree feedback is used to gather information about your individual leadership style
  • Discuss workshop options we offer to your organization
Invite colleagues from your organization and forward this announcement to your colleagues. There is no charge to attend the Abundance Leadership Overview Webinar. Space is limited, however, and registration is required.

Is your boss an Abundance or Scarcity Leader?